Practice Period Class-Dogan as Teacher/Full Moon Ceremony


October 12, 2022    
5:40 pm - 7:30 pm

Suggested donation for the series: $55.00 or $15.00 per class

5:40-6:00 p.m. Zazen
6:10 Check-in
6:30 Full Moon Ceremony
6:45 Class
The theme of the practice period will be Dogen as a teacher and one of his seminal works, Bendowa. The lectures will focus on the Bendowa. The classes will focus more on the man as a teacher, including film, online symposium and his poetry.

We will be using:
“The Wholehearted Way” by Eihei Dogen (Author), Kosho Uchiyama Roshi (Commentary), Shohaku Okumura (Translator), Taigen Leighton (Translator)

Link to internet archive

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