Reading List


Rahula, Walpola: What the Buddha Taught

Ross, Nancy Wilson: Buddhism, A Way of Life and Thought

Friedman, Lenore: Meetings With Remarkable Women


Addiss, Stephen, ed.: Zen Sourcebook (selections from China, Korea and Japan)

Aitken, Robert: Taking the Path of Zen, The Mind of Clover

Beck, Joko: Everyday Zen, Nothing Special

Foster, Nelson, ed. The Roaring Stream

Katagiri, Dainin: Returning to Silence, You Have to Say Something

Loori, Daido, ed.: The Art of Just Sitting

Schireson, Grace: Zen Women

Suzuki, Shunryu: Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Not Always So

Tanahashi, Kaz, ed.: Moon in a Dewdrop (selections from Dogen Zenji)

Uchiyama, Kosho: Opening the Hand of Thought, From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment